Company: Workshop Coffee
Position: Chief Product Officer
Meet James Bailey, a distinguished figure in the world of coffee, currently contributing his expertise as part of the Workshop Coffee team. His journey in the coffee industry reached a pinnacle when he clinched the title of Coffee Masters London champion in 2015, showcasing not only his technical prowess but also an unwavering commitment to the craft.
As a key contributor to Workshop Coffee, James brings a wealth of experience and a dedication to excellence in every cup. His journey into the coffee world began with a genuine love for the craft, evolving into a career marked by innovation and a pursuit of perfection.
The victory at Coffee Masters London in 2015 solidified James Bailey's status as a maestro in the industry. His ability to masterfully navigate the complexities of coffee, coupled with an understanding of flavour nuances, set him apart among the best in the field.
Now, as part of Workshop Coffee, James continues to shape the coffee landscape with his passion and skill. His role extends beyond crafting exceptional brews; it involves sharing his expertise with a wider audience, inspiring both colleagues and coffee enthusiasts alike.
James Bailey's legacy is one of skill, passion, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As a Coffee Masters champion and Workshop Coffee artisan, he continues to leave an indelible mark on the coffee community, inviting others to appreciate the artistry that goes into each cup and to explore the rich and flavourful world of coffee guided by his expertise.